
The basic usage syntax for dotgit is the following:

dotgit [flags] {action} [category [category]]

Where action is one of the actions listed below and category is one or more categories or groups to activate. If no categories are specified dotgit will automatically activate the common category as well as a category with your machine’s hostname.

Using categories

When you run dotgit all of its actions will be limited to the categories that are activated. If you don’t specify any categories the default behaviour is to activate the common category as well as a category with your machine’s hostname (e.g. my-laptop).

When a category is active and you run dotgit all the other files on the filelist that are not in the specified category is ignored.


-h, --help

Display a help message

-v, --verbose

Increase dotgit’s verbosity level. Can be specified multiple times


When specified dotgit won’t make any changes to the filesystem. Useful when running with -v to see what dotgit would do if you run a command


Activates “hard” mode where files are copied rather than symlinked. See the actions section for actions where this is used. Useful if symlinking isn’t an option or if you want the dotfiles to live on the machine independently of the dotgit repo.



Updates the dotgit repository. Run this after you made changes to your filelist or if you want to add the changes to non-symlinked files to your repo (e.g. encrypted files). This will save your dotfiles from your home folder in your dotgit repo, and also set up the links/copies to your dotfiles repo as needed (runs a restore operation after updating).


Links or copies files from your dotgit repo to your home folder. Use this if you want to restore your dotfiles to a new machine.


Removes all the dotfiles managed by dotgit from your home folder (run first with the -v --dry-run flags to see what dotgit plans on doing).


Prints the current changes in your dotgit repo.


This will generate a git commit with all the current changes in the repo and will ask you if you want to push the commit to a remote (if one is configured).