
System package manager

Install using Pip

The easiest method to install dotgit if your system package manager does not have a package is using Pip. You can install dotgit by running the following:

pip3 install dotgit

Shell completion

If you didn’t install dotgit using the system package manager you can get shell completion working by installing the relevant completion scripts for your shell.


curl "$url" >> ~/.bash_completion

Fish shell:

curl --create-dirs "$url" >> ~/.config/fish/completions/

Any help for non-bash completion scripts would be much appreciated :)

Manual installation

If you do not want to install dotgit with a package manager you can also just add this repo as a git submodule to your dotfiles repo. That way you get dotgit whenever you clone your dotfiles repo with no install necessary. Note that if you choose this route you will need to manually update dotgit to the newest version if there is a new release. To set this up, cd into your dotfiles repo and run the following:

cd ~/.dotfiles
git submodule add
git commit -m "Added dotgit submodule"

Now, whenever you clone your dotfiles repo you will have to pass an additional flag to git to tell it to also clone the dotgit repo:

git clone --recurse-submodules ~/.dotfiles

If you want to update the dotgit repo to the latest version run the following inside your dotfiles repo:

git submodule update --remote dotgit

Finally, to run dotgit it is easiest to set up an alias like the following (you might need to adjust the path as well as the python3 command depending on your setup). You can then also set up the bash completion in the same way as mentioned in Shell completion. This is an example entry of what you might want to put in your .bashrc file to make an alias (you’ll probably want to update the path to match your dotfiles repo):

alias dotgit="python3 ~/.dotfiles/dotgit/dotgit/"